24-hour TSP Monitoring Results
Station CM_AB1a, The Hong Kong Ice and Cold Storage
Start Finish Weather Filter Weight (g) Elapsed Time Reading Sampling Time Flow Rate (m3/min) TSP Conc. Action Level Limit Level Observations / Remarks Sampler Filter
Date Time Date Time   Initial Final Initial Final (hrs) Initial Final Average  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)   ID ID
05-Jun-14 12:36 06-Jun-14 12:36 Sunny 2.7567 2.8504 7239.14 7263.14 24.00 1.2441 1.2441 1.2441 52.3 174.2 260.0 Tunnel works Ice Factory 1926
11-Jun-14 16:20 12-Jun-14 16:20 Sunny 2.7647 2.8774 7263.14 7287.14 24.00 1.2464 1.2464 1.2464 62.8 174.2 260.0 Tunnel works Ice Factory 1940
17-Jun-14 13:10 18-Jun-14 13:10 Sunny 2.8282 2.9184 7287.12 7311.12 24.00 1.2473 1.2473 1.2473 50.2 174.2 260.0 Lining works under construction shaft Ice Factory 1942
23-Jun-14 13:15 24-Jun-14 13:15 Sunny 2.8372 2.9201 7311.12 7335.12 24.00 1.2515 1.2515 1.2515 46.0 174.2 260.0 Lining works under construction shaft Ice Factory 1948
27-Jun-14 16:20 28-Jun-14 16:20 Sunny 2.8396 2.9238 7335.12 7359.12 24.00 1.2473 1.2473 1.2473 46.9 174.2 260.0 Lining works under construction shaft Ice Factory 1956
    Min. 46.0
Max. 62.8
Average 51.6